Safely underway in the Wildkogel-Arena

Hiking the Right Way

In today’s world, where everyone seems restless, nervous and tense, our marvelous mountain world and its beautiful valleys provide the perfect opportunity to escape the gray daily routine, at least temporarily. Here in our clear, healthy mountain air, you will have no problem doing precisely that, unwinding completely and having lots of fun in the process.

If hiking is your path to happiness, please obey the following 10 basic rules:

1. Before any tour of the mountains, always accurately assess the physical stamina and strength of yourself and your companions – especially children. This will determine the appropriate length of your tour.  

2. Plan every tour precisely. Information from hiking maps, your hotel hosts as well as people working at mountain huts can prove very helpful.   

3. Ensure you have the right equipment and adequate provisions. Always check the most recent weather forecast.   

4. Tell your hosts or an acquaintance your exact hiking destination as well as the time you expect to return. Enter your destination and hiking route at logbooks provided for that purpose at huts and summit stations. In case of emergency, this will make it a lot easier and faster to find you.   

5. Adapt your speed to the physical condition of yourself as well as your partners, in particular to the weakest member of your group. If you walk too fast, exhaustion might set in early. And never forget: In general, you are going to have to walk all the way back as well.   

6. Stay on marked paths. Hiking across the grassy mountainsides (especially when wet), fields of snow and glaciers can prove hazardous.  

7. Always be aware of falling rocks, which can often be caused by animals such as chamois, sheep etc. Never kick rocks off the trail yourself, since this will endanger other mountain hikers.   

8. If you or someone in your party do not have the physical condition to complete the hike, or in the event that bad weather threatens, turn back immediately. This is nothing to be ashamed of. It merely proves you are a cautious hiker. 

9. Stay calm in the unlikely event of an accident! Follow all of the rules required by anyone responding to an emergency situation.   

10. Keep the mountains clean!

Basic Hiking Equipment:

We strongly suggest taking all of the following equipment with you on your hikes. If you have the right gear with you, you can practically guarantee your hike will be a (positively) memorable experience:       



  • sturdy shoes with a good tread    
  • rucksack
  • sunblock 
  • warm clothing 
  • windproof outerwear 
  • plenty to eat and drink    
  • small first-aid kit (gauze, adhesive tape, plasters, scissors or a knife)    
  • navigation aids such as a hiking map, etc.    
  • helpful (especially in emergencies): a mobile phone, even if it doesn’t pick up a signal everywhere

Correct Behavior in Thunderstorms:

If, despite careful planning, you are caught by a thunderstorm, avoid the following locations:    

  • the summit 
  • ridgelines 
  • sheltering under isolated trees    
  • watercourses   
  • the foot of rock faces 
  • cave entrances 
  • high-tension cables

Instead, look for valleys and hollows. However, you are only truly safe in a building or car.    

Of course, a thunderstorm doesn’t come out of nowhere or in just a few minutes. That said, always look for the initial warning signs. Please turn back immediately if you see the following:    

  • initial warning signs for thunderstorms: humid air, cumulus clouds, 
  • alarm signals: cumulus clouds with a dark underbelly, frayed edges, distant rumble of thunder

Correct Behavior near Grazing Cattle:

  • Do not tease or pet the animals – be especially careful around young animals, since mothers instinctively protect their young!
  • Do not pose for any photos or videos with grazing cattle 
  • Detour the grazing animals at as great a distance as possible and do not show any fear 
  • The mere sight of a stick might cause the animal to give you greater respect.

This applies especially to hikers who are accompanied by a dog. Always keep your dog on a leash and never let your dog chase animals. However, if an animal does attack your dog – even though you have kept it on a leash – let go of that leash and allow your dog to run away in order to protect itself.

How to Behave in an Emergency:

Stay calm if an unexpected accident does happen! Try to summon help on your mobile phone or by signaling. This might involve shouting, whistling, waving big items of clothing, etc. Tell the responder who you are, what has happened and where you are located. People who have been severely injured should be kept in a clearly visible location at the accident site, though away from any areas that pose additional dangers. Never leave someone who is injured alone!       



Important telephone numbers:

  • Europe-wide emergencies: 112
  • Mountain rescue: 140
  • Emergency medical response:  144


Contact us

If you have any questions at all about the Wildkogel Arena, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Your Wildkogel-Arena team at the tourist offices in Neukirchen and Bramberg will be glad to assist, clear up any concerns and ensure you have all the information you need for a wonderful summer or winter holiday in the Wildkogel Arena.

  • Opening Hours

    High Season:
    Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m.
    Saturdays we are available by telephone from 8:30 a.m. - 12 noon

    Low Seasons:
    Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 12 noon and 1 - 5 p.m.

