Predator RACE Alpine Master Weekend & Championship
THE sporting highlight in Neukirchen | 20.09. + 21.09.2025
In the Predator Race, you will have to take on an extreme obstacle course. True to the motto “Overcome all challenges and never give up”, this is a truly extraordinary sporting event. The pristine alpine terrain of the Wildkogel Arena, with its vast panorama of 3000 m peaks inside Hohe Tauern National Park, was seemingly predestined for the Predator RACE Alpine Master Weekend.
In three races, each varying in difficulty – the DRIL, BRUTAL (both on Saturday) and the MASAKR (Sunday) – you can put your competitive instincts and physical fitness to the test. You have the option of entering all races either in the “Elite” (without assistance) or “Open” (assistance permitted) division, either as an individual or a team (at least 4 people). And thanks to the JUNIOR RACE, even our little “predators” will have an opportunity to push their limits.
There are no obstacles on the 21 km long route, but the course is a tough one!

Auf der 21 km langen Strecke gibt es keine Hindernisse, die Strecke hat es jedoch in sich! Immerhin sind 1.600 Höhenmeter zu überwinden!
Entry Fees:
VIP price until 30.09.2024 | Price I until 31.01.2025 | Price II until 30.06.2025 | Price III until 17.09.2025 | ||
Predator ALPINE CHAMPIONSHIP MW | € 209,00 | € 239,00 | € 255,00 | € 279,00 | REGISTRATION |
Predator ALPINE MASTER WEEKEND | € 169,00 | € 199,00 | € 217,00 | € 234,00 | REGISTRATION |
Predator DRIL 5 km+ / 20 obstacles | € 65,00 | € 75,00 | € 85,00 | € 95,00 | REGISTRATION |
Predator BRUTAL 10 km+ / 25 obstacles | € 75,00 | € 85,00 | € 95,00 | € 105,00 | REGISTRATION |
Predator MASAKR 15 km+ / 30 obstacles | € 85,00 | € 95,00 | € 105,00 | € 115,00 | REGISTRATION |
WILDKOGEL TRAIL 21 km / 0 obstacles | € 35,00 | € 35,00 | € 35,00 | € 35,00 | REGISTRATION |
Predator JUNIOR 700 m +/ 7 obstacles | € 20,00 | € 20,00 | € 20,00 | € 20,00 | REGISTRATION |

This is what your Predator RACE schedule will look like!
- Saturday, 20.09. - Predator Race JUNIOR, BRUTAL & DRIL
8 - 11 a.m. Registration
from 8 a.m. Bag Check
Predator Race BRUTAL
9 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend BRUTAL - Championship
9:10 a.m.Predator Race Master Weekend BRUTAL - Elite
9:20 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend BRUTAL - Open
9:30 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend BRUTAL - Open
9:40 a.m. Predator Race BRUTAL - Open
9:50 a.m. Predator Race BRUTAL - Open
10:00 a.m. Predator Race BRUTAL - Open
1:30 p.m.: 4 - 5 years
1:45 p.m.: 6 - 7 years
2 p.m.: 8 - 9 years
2:15 p.m.: 10 - 11 years
2:30 p.m.: 12 - 14 yearsRegistration is possible in the event area!
After crossing the finish line, the kids will receive a Predator Junior wristband and the original PREDATOR JUNIOR 2025 medal.
Predator Race DRIL3 p.m. Predator Race Master Weekend DRIL - Championship
3:10 p.m. Predator Race Master Weekend DRIL - Elite
3:20 p.m. Predator Race Master Weekend DRIL - Open
3:30 p.m. Predator Race Master Weekend DRIL - Open
- Sunday, 21.09. - Predator Race MASAKR & WILDKOGEL TRAIL
8 - 11 a.m. Registration
from 8 a.m. Bag Check
Predator Race MASAKR
9 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend MASAKR - Championship
9:10 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend MASAKR - Elite
9:20 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend MASAKR - Open
9:30 a.m. Predator Race Master Weekend MASAKR - Open
9:40 a.m. Predator Race MASAKR - Open
9:50 a.m. Predator Race MASAKR - Open
10:00 a.m. Predator Race MASAKR - Open
- Starting waves:
- Each of the starting waves consists of 50 athletes at 10-minute intervals. Timekeeping is done by means of a chip attached to each athlete.
- The championship participants start in the first wave.
- The second wave of starters is for ELITE competitors, who will receive an ELITE armband that must be worn so it is clearly visible.
- The third wave is for runners in the OPEN division.

Werde Volunteer
Für die einzelnen Rennen am Samstag und am Sonntag werden freiwilligen Helfern (Volunteers) benötigt.
Ihre Aufgaben als Volunteer:
Athleten anleiten & anfeuern sowie auf das Fair Play und die Einhaltung der sportlichen Vorgaben achten.
Natürlich gibt es als DANKESCHÖN eine kleine Überraschung!
We have some additional information about the race for you!
Die Predator CHAMPIONSHIP besteht aus Dril, Brutal und dem Masakr Race und dem Master Weekend.
Die Championship wird nicht in Elite- und Open-Kategorien unterteilt, sondern in absoluten Wertungen: Top 3 Frauen und Top 3 Männer.
Die Championship besteht aus einer Vielzahl von Hindernissen, wie z. B. technische Hindernisse, Krafthindernisse, Balancehindernisse etc. Die Hindernisse sind obligatorisch und erfordern eine bestimmte Anzahl von Versuchen.
Der Wettbewerb ist sehr prestigeträchtig, mit der Unterstützung von Partnern und Preisgeldern von € 1.000,00, € 500,00 und € 250,00 für die ersten drei Plätze.CHAMPIONSHIP REGELN:
- Der Predator Championship Teilnehmer läuft mit dem Stirnband, das er/sie im Anmeldeumschlag erhält
- Alle Hindernisse sind Pflichthindernisse und können in Fast/Slow line absolviert werden
- Es gibt nur 1 Versuch auf der Fast Line
- Auf der Slow Line gibt es eine unbegrenzte Anzahl von Versuchen und Newcomer haben Vorrang
- Die Teilnehmer dürfen sich nicht gegenseitig helfen
- Jeder Teilnehmer hat 3 Leben = 3 Armbänder pro Rennen
- 2 Armbänder werden an der rechten Hand getragen
- 1 Armband wird an der linken Hand getragen, wenn der Freiwillige die slow line registriert
- Slow Line + 60s zur Endzeit
- Wird ein Hindernis nicht überwunden, werden 300 Sekunden auf die Endzeit addiert und Verlust des Armbands
- Wenn der Teilnehmer insgesamt 3 Hindernisse in einem Rennen nicht schafft, verliert er alle 3 Armbänder und wird disqualifiziert
- Am Ende meldet jeder Teilnehmer die Anzahl der Slow Lines und die Anzahl der verlorenen Armbänder im Chiptiming Zeitmesssystem. Danach wird die Endzeit angepasst
- Der Gewinner der Championship ist der, der alle 3 Typen des Predator Alpine Master Weekends (Dril, Brutal, Masakr) erfolgreich absolviert hat und dessen Endzeit, nach Abzug aller Strafen, die niedrigste ist
- Wenn man in einem Rennen aus der Championship ausscheidet, ist es möglich, sich für das nächste Rennen, z.B. Dril oder Masakr, vor Ort neu anzumelden und für dieses Rennen gewertet zu werden
- Rules FAST and SLOW Lines:
- The FAST line is the faster way to negotiate an obstacle. However, this option is technically more challenging or more strength-sapping.
- The SLOW line, on the other hand, is designed more simply. It takes longer and is generally associated with lengthier running sections.
- The HANDICAP: If you are still unable to overcome an obstacle, there is a handicap. The handicap involves an extra running stage or short, strenuous passages that have to be completed in a "Crab Walk".
- Compulsory Obstacles:
- Obstacles are only compulsory for ELITE runners
- Compulsory obstacles are marked with a star on the posters at the start/finish area
- FAST- or SLOW line is up to you (the main thing is, you make it through) No assistance!
- No handicap
- Obstacles not marked with a star are not compulsory. You can negotiate them via the FAST- or SLOW line and even invoke a handicap.
- Teams & Rebates:
Naturally, bigger groups will receive a team rebate from us!
- The minimum group size is 4 people. Teams up to 14 people receive a 10 % rebate on the entry fee. If your team consists of 15 or more, your group rebate will be 15 %.
- As a member of the ambulance services, police or fire department, you will receive a 10 % rebate, with other rebates excluded (i.e. this offer is only for individuals). If you are a member of one of the above organizations, please send us an email at [email protected]
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Hard Facts:
- Predator JUNIOR 700+ m / 7+ obstacles
For children ages 4 – 13 Predator
- DRIL 5+ km / 20+ obstacles Predator
“Dril” is the easiest of the three races. The course is 5 km+ long, with over 20 obstacles to overcome along the way.
- BRUTAL 10+ km / 25+ obstacles
Predator “Brutal” is an intermediate race. The course is more than 10 km long, with at least 25 obstacles for racers to negotiate.
- MASAKR 15+ km / 30+ obstacles
“Masakr” - the name says it all! The course is 15 km+ long and features over 30 obstacles, making it by far the toughest course.
- Elite: No help from other competitors is allowed. If the level of difficulty is too high, the elite band may be returned. The run may continue but the competitor will be disqualified. If a team of 4 starts in the Elite category and only one member of the team loses Elite status, the whole team will be disqualified from the Elite category and will not be classified.
- Open: Assistance from other athletes is possible and even desirable – here, the prime focus is on team spirit.